= Contemporary Vocal Tuition =
Results Driven Training
- Certified Master Teacher of Estill Voice Training System
- Specialising in safe BELT singing
- Audition preparation
- TAFE and VCE Contemporary Voice Training
- Over 25 years performance experience
Hear Claire sing, learn more about her vocal tuition, or read the testimonials of her students.

Skype lessons now available! Contact Claire to arrange a schedule.
= Children's Entertainment =
Puppet Fairy Tales
- Beauty and the Beast
- Cinderella
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Magical, musical and unique puppet shows for young children
Learn more about Claire's performances, or read the testimonials of the audience.
Contact Claire to book a puppet performance. Suitable for birthdays, school holiday programmes, libraries and shopping centres.
= Whisper Boy Sings! =

Peter, who loves to sing, loses his sheet music, his chance to sing at a concert, and then his voice all within one fateful day! That night he falls into a deep slumber and finds himself pulled into a mystical forest world of goblins, birds and butterflies.
Read more here...